0612-2226895, 9334249230 info@stscomputer.in Nitme, Bettiah (Bihar)


  1. 21st successfully smiling years
  2. A globally famous organization
  3. Running successfully all over india
  4. An ISO 9001-2015 Certified Organization
  5. MSME certified organization
  6. National & International valid Certification
  7. Best Franchise Support System
  8. Books for students for better understanding of course
  9. Online classes for advance course
  10. No hidden cost
  11. Manegment support
  12. Staff screening & hiring support
  13. Quick service resolution within 4 hours for urgent work
  14. Minimum Investment & Higher Returns
  15. Low Risk & High Gains with skillful experience
  16. Technology Support
  17. Marketing & Branding support
  18. Workshop and seminar as routine system
  19. Placement Cell
  20. More than 2 lakhs certifaid student in 21 year
  21. 10000+ standards placed in reputed organization

Benefits After Association

  1. Better rate of learning
  2. Increased efficiency
  3. Improved student performance
  4. Easy communication
  5. Making tasks easier
  6. Convenience
  7. Online resources

Business Opportunity

  1. Atam nirbhar abhiyan
  2. Providing new business opportunities to every Indian across india
  3. City by franchisee
  4. Two different business mode offline  & online
  5. Suitable business for teaching, professional, tutors experienced graduates and computer centre owner
  6. Associate partners


Study centers in india



Courses Available


6.7 Lacs+

Learners Around the Country



States Covered